Created by: DeesD1
Number of Blossarys: 2
A warehouse is a large building where goods are stored, and where they may be catalogued, shipped, or received, depending upon the type. The Dutch term 'warenhuis' is something compeltely different, namely a department store, so a place where you can go shopping. A warehouse in Dutch is a 'pakhuis'.
倉庫は、大規模な建物物品が格納されカタログ化が、出荷、または受信日時、種類に応じてです。'Warenhuis' は何かオランダの言葉全く異なる、すなわち、百貨店、従ってどこで買い物に行くことができます場所。オランダでの倉庫は、'pakhuis' です。