An erratic, disorganized firing of impulses from the ventricles. The ventricles quiver and are unable to contract or pump blood to the body. This is a medical emergency that must be treated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation as soon as possible.
Domain: Anatomy; Medical; Category: Allergies and allergens; Arteries; Cardiology; Cardiovascular; Central nervous system; Cranial nerves; Cytology; Developmental anatomy; Diagnostic instruments & tests; Digestive; Embryology; Endocrine; Forensic; Gastroenterology; Gross anatomy; Gynaecology; Herbal medicine; Histology; Human body; Human genome; Illness; Lymphatic; Medical research; Medicine; Muscular; Nervous system; Pathological anatomy; Radiology; Radiotherapy; Reproductive systems; Rheumatology; Skeletal; Stem cell research; Surface anatomy; Systemic anatomy; Urinary system; Viruses
Nevyrovnaný, zmatený spalování impulsy z komor. Komory toulec a nejsou schopni smlouvy nebo pumpovat krev do těla. To je lékařská pohotovost, která musí být zacházeno s Kardiopulmonální resuscitace (CPR) a defibrilace co nejdříve.
Domain: Anatomy; Medical; Category: Allergies and allergens; Arteries; Cardiology; Cardiovascular; Central nervous system; Cranial nerves; Cytology; Developmental anatomy; Diagnostic instruments & tests; Digestive; Embryology; Endocrine; Forensic; Gastroenterology; Gross anatomy; Gynaecology; Herbal medicine; Histology; Human body; Human genome; Illness; Lymphatic; Medical research; Medicine; Muscular; Nervous system; Pathological anatomy; Radiology; Radiotherapy; Reproductive systems; Rheumatology; Skeletal; Stem cell research; Surface anatomy; Systemic anatomy; Urinary system; Viruses