Company: Others
Created by: zblagojevic
Number of Blossarys: 5
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Stone or concrete pillar that marks a true place of trigonometric points.
Stone or concrete pillar that marks a true place of trigonometric points.
An ownership interest in real property, real estate.
An ownership interest in real property, real estate.
Property in buildings and land, landed property.
Property in buildings and land, landed property.
A submarine contour, on a marine map or chart, joins points of equal elevation (height) below mean sea level.
A submarine contour, on a marine map or chart, joins points of equal elevation (height) below mean sea level.
A contour line, on a marine map or chart, joins points of equal elevation (height) below mean sea level.
A contour line, on a marine map or chart, joins points of equal elevation (height) below mean sea level.
Survey pole, signal (USA), object or structure located at or near a survey station and used as a sighting point оr target for survey measurements.
Survey pole, signal (USA), object or structure located at or near a survey station and used as a sighting point оr target for survey measurements.
Intestate - succession to property that has not been disposed of by a valid testament.
Intestate - succession to property that has not been disposed of by a valid testament.
A rule equipped with simple sights and used for determination of direction as a part of a surveying instrument.
A rule equipped with simple sights and used for determination of direction as a part of a surveying instrument.
Единица се користи во Англија и во САД за мерење на области = 40,47 ar
Jedna koordinata koja se koristi za određivanje položaja točaka u ravnini - druga je ordinata.
Еден координираат кој се користи за да се утврди позицијата на точки во рамнината - вториот е ординатата.
Devijacija svjetlosnih zraka kroz leće unutar optičkog sustava koja uzrokuje ne savršeno čiste prikaze predmeta.
Во оптички системи, отстапување од зраците на светлината низ леќи, не предизвикува совршено јасна слика на објектите.