United States Department of Agriculture
Industry: Government
Number of terms: 41534
Number of blossaries: 0
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The GATT negotiations formally initiated by the Tokyo Declaration in 1973 and completed in 1979. More countries were involved in the Tokyo Round than previous rounds (including many developing countries and several East European countries), and discussions were expanded to include nontariff trade barriers.
The tobacco price support program uses a combination of marketing quotas and nonrecourse loans to keep prices stable and higher than they would be otherwise. The marketing quotas limit production in order to raise prices. Nonrecourse loans allow producers to hold tobacco stocks for long periods in order to balance supplies with market demand conditions. By law since 1982, tobacco loan program operations are required to function at no net cost to taxpayers. A no net cost assessment is collected on all leaf tobacco sold to build a reserve fund that reimburses the Commodity Credit Corporation for any losses of loan principal and interest.
The technique of growing a whole plant from a single engineered cell or piece of plant tissue.
A contract for the sale of federal timber to a private purchaser with the right to cut and remove trees for an agreed-upon stumpage price; the contract includes an estimated volume of wood and an appraised stumpage price, which is the basis for competitive bidding by purchasers.
Lands that can grow annually a minimum amount of wood that can be used to produce commercial wood products; excludes lands where timber cutting is prohibited by law or by executive decision.
The lowest non-zero dose of a chemical at which a specified measurable effect occurs. Sometimes used to refer to the income level above which an applicant for food stamp benefits would be ineligible.
Federal law currently sets an annual cap on the amount of direct payments that a person may receive from major farm programs. A provision in this law permits a person to receive payments up to the full cap on the first farm in which the person has a substantial beneficial interest, and up to half the full cap on each of two additional farms; hence the so-called "three-entity rule."
Species listed by regulation under ESA, and are generally given a lower level of protection than endangered species.
Established in 1983 to provide CCC-owned foodstuffs, at no charge, to states in amounts relative to the number of unemployed and needy persons. The food is distributed by charitable organizations to eligible recipients.
An embankment, ridge, or leveled strip constructed across sloping soils on the contour, or at right angle to the slope. The terrace intercepts surface runoff so that it can soak into the soil or flow slowly to a prepared outlet, decreasing rates of soil erosion.