Home > Forum > TermWiki > Why doesn't the system count the translation of the DEFINITION ?

Why doesn't the system count the translation of the DEFINITION ?

When we translate a definition (I've translated more than TEN today!) of a term already translated by another person (but the other person provided the translation for the term only, NOT its definition!)the term counter does not consider our effort at all, the number of items we have translated is always the same and doesn't go up. So, the person who has simply translated the entry (one word only!!!) goes easily ahead (and is considered as having done a lot of work), while the poor devil who spends several minutes to translate each definition (very often several lines of translation and hence several minutes of work!!!) is simply ignored. Can anyone explain why? I simply can't consider this fair at all.
Forum: TermWiki
MisterBeppe 12:50, 26 April 2011
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  • MisterBeppe 07:36, 29 May 2011

    Amy, I'm very sorry but I do think it's against the rules to advertise products in this forum. And your answer is simply a very clear advertisement with no connections to the topic I was discussing in my post. Kind regards, MisterBeppe

  • Robert Derbyshire 08:00, 29 April 2011

    Dear MisterBeppe, As discussed over email, we are working on a solution to record the contributions made to already translated terms, but for the time being, please focus on currently untranslated terms. Thank you.

  • MisterBeppe 09:05, 28 April 2011

    Dear Robert, I forgot to tell that the problem does not refer to WORKBENCH page but when one opens "More recent terms" >>"Recently Updated Terms" >> then when clicking on some terms in the long list some of them are only partly translated, i.e. only the item is translated BUT not its definition. That's where the problem comes out. Strangely enough nobody noticed that. Thank you. MisterBeppe

  • MisterBeppe 08:07, 28 April 2011

    Dear Robert, to make things even clearer. The problem does not refer to some hours ago, or yesterday only, it has always been the same in the past few weeks, at least since I started translating "definitions" left out by some colleagues who translated the single word only. I think it's not a sudden technical problem but the way the whole system works. Thanks a lot for your patience and effort in solving the problem. MisterBeppe

  • MisterBeppe 07:55, 28 April 2011

    Thank you Robert, actually it's the other way round: when a term is translated, BUT THE TERM ONLY, not ITS DEFINITION and there hundreds of terms apperaing this way, just see "More recent terms" page. I've translated more than twenty definitions of words for which ONLY THE TERM had already been translated by another translator. Another try some minutes ago but my number of translations provided DOES NOT GO UP AT ALL. The number of my translations changes ONLY when I provide "both" term and definition, but not when another person had previously translated the term only, which of course is much simpler and quicker than translating the definition, you have to agree with me! Nothing has changed so far. The system works exactly as it worked in the past days. Some terms keep appearing in Italian (and in other languages as well I suppose), BUT without definition, because it had not been provided by the other translator. As I said this is rather unfair because the translation of the definition is much more difficult, it takes much longer to complete and the worst is that NO consideration is taken by the system as far as the number of edited terms provided is concerned. So my number of conributions does not go up although I've translated more than twenty definitions which were left untranslated by the person who provided the translation of the simple term ONLY. I'll try again. Thank you, MisterBeppe

  • Robert Derbyshire 10:06, 27 April 2011

    Dear MisterBeppe, Thanks for your comments - we actually experienced some technical problems with the workbench this morning, which may have caused the problem you described. In actual fact, no-one should be able to translate only the definitions of terms already translated, rather these terms should not appear in the workbench at all. Could I trouble to try again, and if the workbench appears with already translated terms, please send a screenshot to support@termwiki.com. I am assuming you are using the workbench to translate. Also, we will be happy to update your term count to include the definitions not accounted for. Can you please approximate how many this is? Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience. Robert